domingo, 12 de junio de 2011


my name is Jessica Cross was born on October 11, 1994 in Bogota my parents are ana stella fique cuts and cross jaime, my sister is called cross dary and I have two nephews called jhon eddie santiago branches cross and my uncles live far away.

My mom died eight years ago.
my dad is sixty years does not work is pensionadado and lives with me,
my sister is thirty years old with two children is very juisiosa and working hard,
my nephew is 8 years old santiago studied in school agustin fernandez is in second grade, and 4 years old eddie jhon is in the garden ...

I study I have 16 Agustin Fernandez years, I am in grade 11 and when leaving the school I want to study .. cabin crew and be with my family forever

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